
Crystal Files       

Recent and Upcoming Exhibitions

May 12th-      TMCC Student Exhibition group exhibition
25th 2012        Strega Bar  Reno, NV

April 2012     38th Annual Truckee Meadows Student Art Show   group exhibition
                       TMCC Art Galleries : Truckee Meadows Community College : Reno, NV
                       Honorable Mention Winner 

April 2004     Daytona Art League Annual Show   group exhibition
                       Daytona Art League : Daytona Beach, FL

April 2001     Volusia Create 2000  group exhibition
                       Beach St. : Daytona Beach, FL


2009-2012    Truckee Meadows Community College : Reno, NV
                      Associate of Fine Arts

2001-2002     Daytona State College : Daytona Beach, FL
                      Associate of Arts

Related Work Experience

2012             Truckee Meadows Community College : Reno, NV
                     Art Club Secretary

2011-2012    Truckee Meadows Community College : Reno, NV
                      Phi Theta Kappa

May 2012      TMCC Student Exhibition    
                              Group Lead

April 2012      38th Annual Truckee Meadows Student Art Show
                       Gallery Volunteer

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