Saturday, July 28, 2012

After the Show

Well, the show in May at Strega Bar went great. We had an awesome turnout and a fun night. Since then I graduated from school and now have my AA in Fine Art. Currently I am working on some stuff for fun and a project or two for some friends, but no professional work yet. Stay posted though because there is more work to come. I'm experimenting with transferring images and digital photography among other things. I think they will turn out pretty well. If you like what you see, or even if you don't, please leave some comments. I welcome constructive criticism because I can't improve without it. : )

Strega Bar Flyer

Monday, May 7, 2012

Strega Bar Show

Artist’s Statement
            As a child my mother, younger sister, and I moved a lot; on average once a year. Sometimes it was only a town or two away, while at other times it was several hundred miles. As a result, I did not have much interaction with the rest of my family until after my father’s death in 2001. After his passing I realized I knew very little about him or his family. Now as an adult preparing to start a new life with my fiancĂ©, Adam, it is very important to me to document family and friends, whether it is in writing or in photos. I chose my subject based on my desire to understand my heritage and to create a family history.
            My body of work consists of graphite drawings taken from photos of family and friends. My intention is to make the drawings feel like old photos by using coffee to stain cotton rag paper and then tattering the edges and roughing them up with a nail file so that they look worn.
            The purpose of making the images appear old even when they are not is to help emphasize that our family and friends are a part of our personal history and are a large part of what makes us who we are.

Below are the drawings that will be exhibited at Strega Bar in Reno, NV from May 12th through the 25th. The artist's reception will be held Saturday, May 12th from 7-9pm.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Work in Progress

Welcome to my blog ! I figure I will just tell you all a little about what I am currently working on. I'm doing a series of drawings in graphite and sepia conte on cotton rag paper. The purpose of the series is to take a number of both new and old photos and make them all appear aged. I accomplish this by staining the cotton rag paper with coffee and tattering the edges. The series is to be shown locally in Reno sometime in May (details to follow) as a final project before graduation. I'm excited about both doing and completing the series. I hope you all will return to see photos in the near future of this series and of other work I have completed and am working on. Thanks for visiting my blog and please return soon.